Should I Drink Water After Taking CBD?

CBD is becoming increasingly popular due to its health benefits and therapeutic effects. Nowadays, you can find a variety of CBD products on the market – CBD oil, CDB edibles, CDB capsules, CBD creams and lotions, and even CBD water. With so many types of CBD products available, knowing how to use them can be confusing.
In this article, we’ll address some frequently asked questions about using CBD. In addition, we’ll explain how to flush CBD out of your system.
Should I Drink Water After Taking CBD?
Although CBD products come with instructions on how to use them properly, there’s rarely any advice about what you should or shouldn’t do afterwards. This leaves many people wondering whether it’s safe to drink water after taking CBD. In other words, will drinking water afterwards cancel out or minimise the effects of CBD?
The answer depends on the type of CBD you’re consuming. If it’s anything other than CBD oil, then it’s perfectly safe to drink water right after taking it. CBD oil, on the other hand, is consumed sublingually. To be more precise, you’re supposed to place the droplets under your tongue for 30 to 60 seconds before swallowing it.
If you were to drink water immediately after consuming CBD oil, the droplets wouldn’t have enough time to be absorbed into your bloodstream. That’s why it’s best to wait a minute or two before drinking water. In fact, the longer you wait, the better.
Should CBD Oil Be Taken on an Empty Stomach?
CBD will take effect whether you’ve eaten before or not. However, recent findings suggest that eating certain types of food while consuming CBD might increase its effects to a great extent. According to this study, eating food before taking CBD will maximise the speed of absorption.
Since CBD is generally supposed to be taken twice a day, you administer it with breakfast and dinner. While CBD can be consumed immediately before or after your meal, it’s better to do so after. The type of food you take with CBD also has an impact.
In fact, food with medium-chain and long-chain fat levels are more beneficial. For example, meat, fish, eggs, nuts, and avocados are all fat-rich food that can increase the effects of CBD. Several types of oil, such as olive oil, coconut oil, sesame oil, and soybean oil, also maximise the bioavailability of CBD.
What About CBD Water?
One of the newest forms of CBD is CBD water, which is basically CBD-infused water. Taking CBD water benefits, such as quick and easy consumption, into consideration, it’s another CBD product worth a try. However, it’s important to note that CBD water contains very low amounts of CBD. In fact, one bottle usually has only 2 to 5 milligrams.
Since there is such a small amount of CBD in this product, it’s generally safe to drink. If you’re wondering, “How much CBD water should I drink?”, the safest way to go is drinking regular water mixed with CBD water. Eight glasses of water that contain 8 ounces of CBD water should be enough for everyday use.
CBD water is also relatively expensive for a product that is consumed in one go. These factors affect the popularity of CBD water. Benefits of this product aside, other forms of CBD, such as CBD oil, simply offer far more.
How to Flush CBD Out of Your System?
Now that we’ve discussed the best ways to consume CBD, let’s look at how to get it out of your system. CBD usually stays in your system for two to five days, depending on your dosage. However, there are ways to flush it out more quickly if necessary.
Since CBD exits the human body mainly through urine and sweat, the fastest way to get CBD out of your system is by drinking lots of water. To be more specific, you should drink 2 to 3 litres of water to get every last bit of CBD out of your body.
Another effective way to get CBD out of your system is by exercising. By working out, CBD will exit your body through sweat.
Make Sure Your CBD Takes Full Effect
There are many things you can do (or avoid doing) to ensure that CBD is absorbed quickly and that it takes full effect. For example, you should wait at least a couple of minutes before drinking water after you consume it. It’s also best to eat something before you take CBD to maximise its bioavailability. How quickly CBD takes effect mainly depends on the type of CBD you take. Despite CBD water benefits, it’s best to stick to more effective methods, like CBD oil.